Advancement in Garnett Mark No. 146


The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master visited Garnett Mark Lodge No 146 at Lancaster Masonic Hall on Monday the 30th January 2012, with his Acting Provincial Grand Officers on the sixth team visit of the season.


The team was there to see the Advancement of Bro Christopher David Larder a Master Mason of Runic Lodge No 6019 in Morecambe. Christopher is a 30 year old high school teacher in Heysham, and is currently the Senior Warden of his craft lodge and will take the Masters chair in November. He has a keen interest in music and has been known to play the Euphonium.

Christopher looked relaxed and enjoyed his
advancement in the watchful eye of the
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master...
The Provincial Grand Master welcomes Christopher.
his deputy, thirteen Grand Officers
and a team of thirty two acting officers
along with visiting brethren and lodge members...
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master greets
The first half of the ceremony was conducted
by the Worshipful Master Bro Malcolm Morrison
and he was ably assisted with the second half
by W.Bro Graham Haddow P.Prov. G.S.D.
who delivered some very impressive ritual.
The candidate was guided through his advancement
by the senior deacon Bro David Jackman and
the working tools were presented by Bro David Morrow
in a superb manor...
The evening was completed with a very friendly
festive board. Eighty Five brethren packed the
dining room and were treated to an exceptionally
good meal by the catering staff at Lancaster...
The Provincial team, (ready for dinner)
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master concluded the meeting by thanking the lodge secretary W.Bro Douglas Willoughby P.Prov. G.Reg. for is hard work in organizing a thoroughly successful event. 
Report by W.Bro. Andrew Dickson. Prov.G.Reg, Senior Warden Des
Photographs provided by W.Bro. Rod Bennison